Needs Versus Wants. Why your wife won't give you what you want.


The video is about the difference between needs and wants in relationships. Understanding the difference between wants and needs is crucial in relationships, as it allows individuals to prioritize their own wants and needs, communicate them clearly to their partner, and create a relationship that aligns with both parties' desires.

Want more support understanding your wants versus your needs?


Needs are things we can't live without, like air, while wants are things we desire, and understanding the difference is important for our relationships.

Understanding the difference between wants and needs is crucial in relationships, as turning wants into needs can lead to dependency.

We often mistake our wants for needs, feeling powerless and thinking we won't be okay without them, but in reality, we can survive and be okay even when we don't have what we want.

Wants and desires are not needs, so it's important to take care of our own wants and not rely on others.

Prioritize having an intimate, connected, and loving relationship by leading yourself first and inviting your partner to join you.

State your wants and needs clearly to your partner, and if they don't align, it's better to part ways and find someone who shares the same values and goals.

Pursue what's important to you individually, communicate your wants, and invite your partner to join you in order to create a new version of the relationship that aligns with both of your desires.

Consider the difference between your wants and needs, and if you've made someone else responsible for them, take back control and decide for yourself what you want in life.

Needs are things we can't do without, while wants are things we desire deeply.

Turning wants into needs can make us dependent and powerless in relationships.

Understanding the difference between wants and needs is important to avoid becoming dependent on others.

We should care for our wants and not depend on someone else.

Want more support understanding your wants versus your needs?


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Much love brother,

Charlie McKeever
Happy Man Coach & FreedomFighter

"The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself." - Wallace D. Wattles, 1903

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