Book Review: Hold Onto Your NUTs


Hold On to Your N.U.T.s can help build a life that fulfills both you and your partner by showing you how to confirm the ideas and causes you support—your Non-negotiable, Unalterable Terms. Your N.U.T.s become the framework for how you conduct your relationships.

Read Hold Onto Your N.U.T.s

Hey there, brother! Welcome back. I'm currently traveling around the beautiful Smoky Mountains in my RV, and I thought I'd take this opportunity to share with you some of the books that have had a profound impact on my life. These books are so special to me that I wanted to have physical copies of them, something I can reach up on a bookshelf and pull down whenever I want, without relying on the internet or any account access.

One of these gems is the book "Hold Onto Your Nuts." Now, before you start chuckling, let me tell you why this book is essential, especially for men. You see, NUTS stands for non-negotiable, unable terms, and it's all about understanding our values and setting boundaries in relationships.

Boundaries are not about controlling others; they are about knowing what is important to us and how we will respond when someone crosses those boundaries. Let me give you an example. Imagine you're having a conversation with your wife, and suddenly, she starts yelling at you, creating chaos and drama. As a self-respecting man, you don't want to engage in a shouting match. You know that healthy adult conversations are the way to go.

So, in this situation, you stand firm and communicate that you will only engage in a conversation if it remains respectful and calm. You may choose to take a walk or remove yourself from the situation until the other person has collected themselves and is ready for a healthy discussion.

The book "Hold Onto Your Nuts" delves into this topic and much more. It offers insightful guidance on setting boundaries, understanding values, and navigating relationships. The best part is, it's a relatively short read, perfect for enjoying over a cup of morning coffee.

If you prefer listening to books, I highly recommend the Audible version, which is narrated by the fantastic Wayne M. Levine. You can even adjust the playback speed to 1.25x or 1.5x to absorb the material a little faster.

However, I must emphasize that this is not a book to speed read. Take your time with it, allowing the words and concepts to sink in. Trust me, you'll want to read it multiple times because each time, you'll discover something new and valuable.

So, whether you opt for a Kindle edition, a printed copy, or the Audible version, "Hold Onto Your Nuts" by Wayne M. Levine is definitely worth adding to your personal library.

Now, before I wrap this up, I want to stress the importance of journaling. It's a powerful transformative activity that I highly recommend. Don't worry about grammar or punctuation; just write down your stream of consciousness. You'll be amazed at how it can change your life. For more on this topic, check out my previous blog posts where I mention other recommended books and discuss journaling further.

If you have any questions or want to discuss anything further, feel free to reach out to me at Remember, if you're looking to transform your life and become a more calm, confident, and content version of yourself, let's have a conversation.

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Every book in the Happy Man Coaching Library is a book I have personally read, found transformational, and regularly recommend to my coaching clients.

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With love brother,

Charlie McKeever
Happy Man Coach & Mentoring Men Co-Founder

"The very best thing you can do for the whole world is to make the most of yourself." - Wallace D. Wattles, 1903

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